Carpet Selling
It is important that the rug you buy is in sync with the shades of colours and lighting of the room you’re buying the carpet for. To make sure that the money you are spending is absolutely worth it, we bring carpets that match your desired characteristics right to your doorstep. You can even keep the carpet in the room it is meant for and judge for yourself how well it fits in. This way, the whole family will be a part of the decision and the carpet will hold value for the whole family in the years to come.
The best carpets are handpicked by us in Iran, Afghanistan and Central Asia and brought to your doorstep. There is no middleman involved which lowers the cost for us and consequently, we are able to offer you the best carpets at great prices. Your tastes and preferences will be taken into account as well, whether you want a traditional carpet or a modern one.
Our carpets com in a great variety of sizes, colours and materials. You simply have to tell us what kind of a carpet you are looking for and we will bring all the carpets that match your description right at your doorstep. Moreover, you will not be under any obligation to buy them.